Local Programs Make Planting a Tree Easy and Inexpensive

Local Programs Make Planting a Tree Easy and Inexpensive

In this 3-part series, Greening Your Home, you’ll learn ways to make your home more energy-efficient while also saving you money in the long run. Caring about the environment and being “green” can be easier than you think as a homeowner. You can start today!

Here’s the final article and it’s all about how to plant trees in your yard (or common yard if you’re in a condo) for much less money.

Did you know that by adding a tree to your yard, you can increase your property value and save on energy costs?

But maybe the cost or your lack of a green thumb is holding you off.

No worries since there are some great programs in the Raleigh and surrounding areas that can help!

Why Trees Help Your Home

  • Trees boost curb appeal. The presence of larger trees in yards and as street trees can add 3 to 15 percent to home values throughout neighborhoods.
  • Trees can shade buildings, windows and air-conditioning units. Homes with well-situated trees can reduce air conditioning needs by 30 percent and save 20 to 50 percent in heating costs.
  • Trees can help with water drainage.

Here are some examples in our area: 

Donor Tree Program – Interested in planting a tree in honor or memory of people you love, or to recognize those who positively influence your life? If you would like an opportunity to create such a living tribute, you may want to check this one out!

North Carolina Center for Nonprofit, We Plant it Forward – Programs focus primarily on trees, tree planting and tree giveaways. Programs provide opportunities for community members to get their hands working by planting trees in the community and beyond, making rain barrels (rain conservation program) and giving out tree seedlings.

North Carolina Forest Service, Nursery & Tree Improvement Program – The program is necessary to make sure that citizens of North Carolina have access to the best genetics available for use on their land. Just as important is the assurance that the seedlings produced come from native trees of our state and are geographically suitable. In addition, the advanced selections of Loblolly Pine come with easy to understand ratings that have third party certification through the North Carolina State University Tree Improvement Cooperative. By offering seedlings in a variety of order quantities, customers of all sizes are serviced. Regardless if a customer needs as few as 10 seedlings or as much as several thousand, the program serves all North Carolinians.

Family Forest Carbon Program – Interested in growing your own forest? The Family Forest Carbon Program enables private forest owners across 15 states to access the voluntary carbon market, a growing market that has been traditionally inaccessible to smaller forest owners, providing landowners with income they can use toward forest management costs or to help pay property taxes.

Keep a look out for any local community tree programs that might offer reduced-priced trees native to your area. Sometimes these events can be held once a year and include help with planting and how-to’s on tree care. 

Many groups are concerned with the tree canopy in certain neighborhoods and want to help homeowners plant trees.

Happy planting!

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